_clean_request_uri() ); } /** * Tell if we're in the admin area (or ajax) or not. * Test against ajax added in 2e3c0fa74246aa13b36835f132dfd55b90d4bf9e for whatever reason. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_admin() { return is_admin() || ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ); } /** * Tell if we're displaying a customizer preview. * Test added in 769c7377e764a6a8decb4015a167b34043b4b462 for whatever reason. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_customizer_preview() { return isset( self::$post['wp_customize'] ); } /** * Tell if the request method is allowed to be cached. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_allowed_request_method() { $allowed = [ 'GET' => 1, 'HEAD' => 1, ]; if ( isset( $allowed[ $this->get_request_method() ] ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** SEPARATED TESTS THAT USE THE CONFIG FILE ================================================ */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Don't process with query string parameters, some parameters are allowed though. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function can_process_query_string() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } $params = $this->get_query_params(); if ( ! $params ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } // The page can be processed if at least one of these parameters is present. $allowed_params = [ 'lang' => 1, 's' => 1, 'permalink_name' => 1, 'lp-variation-id' => 1, ]; if ( array_intersect_key( $params, $allowed_params ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } // The page can be processed if at least one of these parameters is present. $allowed_params = $this->config->get_config( 'cache_query_strings' ); if ( ! $allowed_params ) { // We have query strings but none is in the list set by the user. return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } $can = (bool) array_intersect_key( $params, array_flip( $allowed_params ) ); return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $can ); } /** * Process SSL only if set in the plugin settings. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function can_process_ssl() { return ! $this->is_ssl() || $this->config->get_config( 'cache_ssl' ); } /** * Some URIs set in the plugin settings must not be processed. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function can_process_uri() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } // URIs not to cache. $uri_pattern = $this->config->get_config( 'cache_reject_uri' ); if ( ! $uri_pattern ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } $can = ! preg_match( '#^(' . $uri_pattern . ')$#i', $this->get_request_uri_base() ); return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $can ); } /** * Don't process if some cookies are present. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool|array */ public function has_rejected_cookie() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } if ( ! self::$cookies ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } $rejected_cookies = $this->config->get_rejected_cookies(); if ( ! $rejected_cookies ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } $excluded_cookies = []; foreach ( array_keys( self::$cookies ) as $cookie_name ) { if ( preg_match( $rejected_cookies, $cookie_name ) ) { $excluded_cookies[] = $cookie_name; } } if ( ! empty( $excluded_cookies ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $excluded_cookies ); } return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } /** * Don't process if some cookies are NOT present. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool|array */ public function has_mandatory_cookie() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } $mandatory_cookies = $this->config->get_mandatory_cookies(); if ( ! $mandatory_cookies ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } $missing_cookies = array_flip( explode( '|', $this->config->get_config( 'cache_mandatory_cookies' ) ) ); if ( ! self::$cookies ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $missing_cookies ); } foreach ( array_keys( self::$cookies ) as $cookie_name ) { if ( preg_match( $mandatory_cookies, $cookie_name ) ) { unset( $missing_cookies[ $cookie_name ] ); } } if ( empty( $missing_cookies ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], array_flip( $missing_cookies ) ); } /** * Don't process if the user agent is in the forbidden list. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function can_process_user_agent() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } if ( ! $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } $rejected_uas = $this->config->get_config( 'cache_reject_ua' ); if ( ! $rejected_uas ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } $can = ! preg_match( '#' . $rejected_uas . '#', $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ); return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $can ); } /** * Don't process if the user agent is in the forbidden list. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function can_process_mobile() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } if ( ! $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } if ( $this->config->get_config( 'cache_mobile' ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } $uas = '2.0\ MMP|240x320|400X240|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine/3.0|EudoraWeb|Googlebot-Mobile|hiptop|IEMobile|KYOCERA/WX310K|LG/U990|MIDP-2.|MMEF20|MOT-V|NetFront|Newt|Nintendo\ Wii|Nitro|Nokia|Opera\ Mini|Palm|PlayStation\ Portable|portalmmm|Proxinet|ProxiNet|SHARP-TQ-GX10|SHG-i900|Small|SonyEricsson|Symbian\ OS|SymbianOS|TS21i-10|UP.Browser|UP.Link|webOS|Windows\ CE|WinWAP|YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2|iPhone|iPod|Android|BlackBerry9530|LG-TU915\ Obigo|LGE\ VX|webOS|Nokia5800'; if ( preg_match( '#^.*(' . $uas . ').*#i', $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } $uas = 'w3c\ |w3c-|acs-|alav|alca|amoi|audi|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-|dang|doco|eric|hipt|htc_|inno|ipaq|ipod|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-|lg/u|maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|palm|pana|pant|phil|play|port|prox|qwap|sage|sams|sany|sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo|teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|wap-|wapa|wapi|wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda\ |xda-'; if ( preg_match( '#^(' . $uas . ').*#i', $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** SEPARATED TESTS AFTER PAGE RESPONSE ===================================================== */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Tell if the constant DONOTCACHEPAGE is set and not overridden. * When defined, the page must not be cached. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function has_donotcachepage() { if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) || ! DONOTCACHEPAGE ) { return false; } /** * At this point the constant DONOTCACHEPAGE is set to true. * This filter allows to force the page caching. * It prevents conflict with some plugins like Thrive Leads. * * @since 2.5 * * @param bool $override_donotcachepage True will force the page to be cached. */ return ! apply_filters( 'rocket_override_donotcachepage', false ); } /** * Tell if we're in the WP’s 404 page. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_404() { return ! function_exists( 'is_404' ) || is_404(); } /** * Tell if we're in the WP’s search page. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_search() { if ( function_exists( 'is_search' ) && ! is_search() ) { return false; } /** * At this point we’re in the WP’s search page. * This filter allows to cache search results. * * @since 2.3.8 * * @param bool $cache_search True will force caching search results. */ return ! apply_filters( 'rocket_cache_search', false ); } /** * Tell if the page content has a closing . * * @since 3.9 * * @param string $buffer The buffer content. * @return bool */ public function is_html( $buffer ) { return (bool) preg_match( '/<\s*\/\s*html\s*>/i', $buffer ); } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** $_SERVER ================================================================================ */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the IP address from which the user is viewing the current page. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier */ public function get_ip() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } $keys = [ 'HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP', // CF = CloudFlare. 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_FORWARDED', 'REMOTE_ADDR', ]; foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( ! $this->config->get_server_input( $key ) ) { continue; } $ip = explode( ',', $this->config->get_server_input( $key ) ); $ip = end( $ip ); if ( false !== filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], $ip ); } } return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], '' ); } /** * Tell if the request comes from a speed test tool. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool */ public function is_speed_tool() { if ( self::is_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ) ) { return self::get_memoized( __FUNCTION__ ); } $ips = [ '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 3. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 4. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 5. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 6. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 7. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 8. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 9. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 10. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 11. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 12. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 13. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 14. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 15. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 16. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 17. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 18. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Vancouver 19. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Quebec City. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 3. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 4. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 5. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 6. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 7. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 8. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 9. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 10. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 11. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 12. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Antonio, TX 13. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Cheyenne, WY. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Chicago, IL. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Danville, VA. '' => '', // GT Metrix - San Francisco, CA. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 3. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 4. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 5. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 6. '' => '', // GT Metrix - London 7. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Sydney 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Sydney 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Sydney 3. '' => '', // GT Metrix - São Paulo 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - São Paulo 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - São Paulo 3. '' => '', // GT Metrix - São Paulo 4. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Mumbai 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Mumbai 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Chennai. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Hong Kong 1. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Hong Kong 2. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Paris. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Frankfurt. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Tokyo. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Amsterdam. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Singapore. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Johannesburg. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Busan. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Stockholm. '' => '', // GT Metrix - Dubai. ]; if ( isset( $ips[ $this->get_ip() ] ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], true ); } if ( ! $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ) { return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], false ); } $user_agent = preg_match( '#PingdomPageSpeed|DareBoost|Google|PTST|Chrome-Lighthouse|WP Rocket#i', $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ) ); return self::memoize( __FUNCTION__, [], (bool) $user_agent ); } /** * Determines if SSL is used. * This is basically a copy of the WP function, where $_SERVER is not used directly. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return bool True if SSL, otherwise false. */ public function is_ssl() { if ( null !== $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTPS' ) ) { if ( 'on' === strtolower( $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTPS' ) ) ) { return true; } if ( '1' === (string) $this->config->get_server_input( 'HTTPS' ) ) { return true; } } elseif ( '443' === (string) $this->config->get_server_input( 'SERVER_PORT' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** REQUEST URI AND METHOD ================================================================== */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the request URI. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return string */ public function get_raw_request_uri() { if ( '' === $this->config->get_server_input( 'REQUEST_URI', '' ) ) { return ''; } return '/' . ltrim( $this->config->get_server_input( 'REQUEST_URI' ), '/' ); } /** * Get the request URI without the query strings. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return string */ public function get_request_uri_base() { $request_uri = $this->get_raw_request_uri(); if ( ! $request_uri ) { return ''; } $request_uri = explode( '?', $request_uri ); return reset( $request_uri ); } /** * Get the request URI. The query string is sorted and some parameters are removed. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return string */ public function get_clean_request_uri() { $request_uri = $this->get_request_uri_base(); $request_uri = $this->remove_dot_segments( $request_uri ); if ( ! $request_uri ) { return ''; } $query_string = $this->get_query_string(); if ( ! $query_string ) { return $request_uri; } return $request_uri . '?' . $query_string; } /** * Get the request method. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return string */ public function get_request_method() { if ( '' === $this->config->get_server_input( 'REQUEST_METHOD', '' ) ) { return ''; } return strtoupper( $this->config->get_server_input( 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) ); } /** * Remove dot segments from a path * * @param string $input Path to process. * * @return string */ private function remove_dot_segments( string $input ) { $output = ''; while ( strpos( $input, './' ) !== false || strpos( $input, '/.' ) !== false || '.' === $input || '..' === $input ) { /** * A: If the input buffer begins with a prefix of "../" or "./", * then remove that prefix from the input buffer; otherwise, */ if ( strpos( $input, '../' ) === 0 ) { $input = substr( $input, 3 ); } elseif ( strpos( $input, './' ) === 0 ) { $input = substr( $input, 2 ); } /** * B: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/./" or "/.", * where "." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix * with "/" in the input buffer; otherwise, */ elseif ( strpos( $input, '/./' ) === 0 ) { $input = substr( $input, 2 ); } elseif ( '/.' === $input ) { $input = '/'; } /** * C: if the input buffer begins with a prefix of "/../" or "/..", * where ".." is a complete path segment, then replace that prefix * with "/" in the input buffer and remove the last segment and its * preceding "/" (if any) from the output buffer; otherwise, */ elseif ( strpos( $input, '/../' ) === 0 ) { $input = substr( $input, 3 ); $output = substr_replace( $output, '', strrpos( $output, '/' ) ); } elseif ( '/..' === $input ) { $input = '/'; $output = substr_replace( $output, '', strrpos( $output, '/' ) ); } /** * D: if the input buffer consists only of "." or "..", then remove * that from the input buffer; otherwise, */ elseif ( '.' === $input || '..' === $input ) { $input = ''; } /** * E: move the first path segment in the input buffer to the end of * the output buffer, including the initial "/" character (if any) * and any subsequent characters up to, but not including, the next * "/" character or the end of the input buffer */ elseif ( strpos( $input, '/', 1 ) !== false ) { $pos = strpos( $input, '/', 1 ); $output .= substr( $input, 0, $pos ); $input = substr_replace( $input, '', 0, $pos ); } else { $output .= $input; $input = ''; } } return $output . $input; } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** QUERY STRING ============================================================================ */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the query string as an array. Parameters are sorted and some are removed. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return array */ public function get_query_params() { if ( ! self::$get ) { return []; } // Remove some parameters. $params = array_diff_key( self::$get, $this->config->get_config( 'cache_ignored_parameters' ) ); if ( $params ) { ksort( $params ); } return $params; } /** * Get the query string with sorted parameters, and some other removed. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return string */ public function get_query_string() { return http_build_query( $this->get_query_params() ); } /** * Get the original query string * * @since 3.11.4 * * @return string */ public function get_original_query_string() { return http_build_query( $this->get_get() ); } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** PROPERTY GETTERS ======================================================================== */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the `cookies` property. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return array */ public function get_cookies() { return self::$cookies; } /** * Get the `post` property. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return array */ public function get_post() { return self::$post; } /** * Get the `get` property. * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return array */ public function get_get() { return self::$get; } /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** ERRORS ================================================================================== */ /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Set an "error". * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @param string $message A message. * @param array $data Related data. */ protected function set_error( $message, $data = [] ) { $this->last_error = [ 'message' => $message, 'data' => (array) $data, ]; } /** * Get the last "error". * * @since 3.3 * @author Grégory Viguier * * @return array */ public function get_last_error() { return array_merge( [ 'message' => '', 'data' => [], ], (array) $this->last_error ); } }